Education Sessions Sponsored by:
Education Sessions Information
Registration includes access to all sessions, receptions, and meals throughout the event. Go to https://neaapa.com/events/annual-meeting/ for more information.
Monday, March 3
1:00 to 3:00pm
Room Location TBD
Presented by Intercard, Sacoa, and Semnox
Meet with representatives from your FEC's Point-of-Sale company. Engage with other users using the same systems, and learn how to get the most out of your investment and grow your business in 2025 and beyond.
Reach out to your contact at Intercard, Sacoa, or Semnox for more information.
Managing and De-escalating Aggressive Behavior
3:30 to 5:30pm
Room Location TBD
Presented by Steve McPherson of Canobie Lake Park
More information coming soon
Tuesday, March 4
Rise of the Machines: AI is Here... Now What?
Room Location TBD
Kevin McNulty of NetWeaveSocial.com
Artificial Intelligence is exploding in the tech world, and it's being added to tools for everything from business intelligence to marketing to customer service in every industry. While AI can’t yet replace professionals, professionals who use AI will replace those who don't. Be sure you’re not left behind during this tectonic shift in the business world.
Roundtable Topic Discussions
Room Location TBD
Meet with colleagues from around the region for informal discussions. Topics to include Advocacy, Safety, Staffing, Operations, Food & Beverage, Live Entertainment, and Marketing.
NEAAPA and EANE: A Partnership in HR Best Practices
Room Location TBD
Presented by Allison Ebner of EANE
Learn about the many opportunities available to NEAAPA members through EANE, much of which is included in your membership. Learn about training and learning opportunities available to help your HR team, including the EANE HR Hotline.
Learning from Z to A: Re-thinking Training for our Newest Generations
Room Location TBD
Presented by Laura McNerney of Leadership Learning Group
Younger generations like Gen Z and Gen Alpha are starting to enter the workforce and they learn and retain knowledge differently than the generations that came before them. Learn how to better engage with these new workers and find success in the coming summer season.